Join Acquira's Acceleration Program and start your acquisition
*100% money-back guarantee within the first 30 days
Our Acquisition In A Box ecosystem gives you everything you need to source, analyze, finance, and close on a great business.
Training (calculators, tools, resources, templates)
Vendors for legal and due diligence
A community of smart entrepreneurs who share ideas and best practices
Access to our team to help you analyze the business, get through bottlenecks and challenges and avoid costly mistakes (we make sure you know what you don’t know)

The team at Acquira has acquired 20+ businesses and deployed over $50mm since 2015. Here’s what our acquisition entrepreneurs are saying:
“One of my main goals in life has been to be a business owner and entrepreneur. However, for years I faced difficulties and risks, like not knowing how to start up, not having capital, having to work by myself, fearing scams, etc. When I found Acquira, I checked them out to make sure they were legit, then I decided to join the Gauntlet, their "get-to-know-each other" process, and it all made sense to me as I used their Acceleration Program to acquire a business. Basically, Acquira is guiding me to find and purchase a solid, on-going business through a leveraged financial structure, and best of all, for the right opportunity, they will invest from their own capital in the business, as a minority owner. If that was not enough, they will support the post-acquisition strategies for growth, systematization and optimization to increase its value. I have to say only best companies or people put their money where their mouth is, not to mention the excellent business values and extremely positive and happy group of people they are. I love them all. I am currently in the right track to achieve one of my dreams in life: the opportunity to create value for others, providing employment and value for other business stakeholders, like customers, vendors, community, environment, lenders, government, etc. and of course that includes my own wealth and professional fulfillment. I am absolutely thrilled by this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity”
“My husband and I have been business owners off and on over the last 30 years. As we were considering a new purchase and doing some research, we came across Acquira. I'm very skeptical because everybody and their brother have something they are marketing. However, this concept seemed brilliant and made great sense. It also has a partnering component that includes systems and training in areas where we had no expertise. It was intriguing enough that we felt it was worth taking the next step to get to know them better and get a closer look at their system. We just finished the Gauntlet, and it's hard to put into words its value. We were blown away by the detail of the program. We wish we had had something like this with our first business. It would have been a game-changer. We learned far more than we expected and confirmed the value of a partnership with Acquira. There is so much meat to the program it's impossible to cover here. However, the weekly call is hands down one of the golden gems. They bring in team members/experts/vendors that they work with to give us a deeper look at the caliber of people we will have access to and provide a deeper dive on particular topics such as financing, marketing, etc. Regardless of where you are in your process, these are incredibly insightful. Even if a financial partnership is not the goal, the training, systems, and guidance Acquira provides will put a new business owner far ahead of the learning curve and, I believe, dramatically increase their chances for a successful business venture. The team that we have interacted with so far is authentic, top-notch, knowledgeable, accessible, and mission-driven. They have underpromised and over-delivered every step of the way. We look forward to continuing our journey with them.”
“Found Acquira while searching for a business for sale in the internet. I acquired a company some years ago and would have liked to have some support and guidance during that experience. I enrolled in their program and found valuable new information and a support system. Their weekly calls are a wealth of new info. My experience until now is great and I highly recommend their program.”