If you’re acquiring a business, immediately overhauling the way the company operates is not likely going to be the most effective strategy. Unless the company was a fire sale, you’ll lose customers and staff by changing too much too soon. Getting people who are already in the company to buy-in to what you’re planning is crucial. When you buy a business, you’re acquiring all of its people too—and you can’t just expedite trust.
On this Intentional Growth podcast episode, we have Kylon Gienger, president of Acquira, who is going to prove the value of securing key relationships in new acquisitions, particularly with the people who will be executing the strategic plan to increase the value of the business

Acquira specializes in seamless business succession and acquisition. We guide entrepreneurs in acquiring businesses and investing in their growth and success. Our focus is on creating a lasting, positive impact for owners, employees, and the community through each transition.