
Learn Why Personal Guarantees are Essential in Business Acquisitions

Team Acquira
-  December 20, 2023
What You’ll Learn
  • What personal guarantees are and their significance in business acquisitions.
  • How personal guarantees function in the realm of business transactions.

  • What types of personal guarantees are typically encountered in business deals.

  • Why lenders often require personal guarantees and what their criteria usually are
  • What factors to carefully evaluate before agreeing to sign a personal guarantee.

When it comes to business acquisitions, personal guarantees play a crucial role in assuring banks and lenders about the security of an investment. 

Personal guarantees are legal commitments that assign financial responsibility to the guarantor. In business acquisitions, they often act as a bridge between potential growth and financial stability, providing the necessary reassurance to lenders.

They can be a lifeline to acquiring a promising business. 

So, if you’re on the verge of acquiring a business and facing skepticism, remember that personal guarantees can be a valuable instrument to help you succeed.

In this article, we will dissect the concept of personal guarantees, their common use, their significance, and their role in shaping the outcome of business acquisition transactions. 

What Are Personal Guarantees?

A personal guarantee is a legal commitment that an individual, often the owner or principal of a business, makes to take responsibility for repaying a debt or fulfilling an obligation in case the business entity cannot do so. 

A personal guarantee is a legal commitment that an individual, often the owner or principal of a business, makes to take responsibility for repaying a debt or fulfilling an obligation in case the business entity cannot do so. 

This means that the person’s personal assets and financial resources can be used to meet the business’s commitments. 

How Does It Work?

In business acquisitions, personal guarantees are commonly used to ensure financial security. 

Here’s an explanation of how personal guarantees work and their significance:

Obtaining Financing

When a buyer is acquiring a business, they often need financing to cover the purchase price. Lenders or investors may require the buyer to provide a personal guarantee, especially if the acquired business is small, relatively new, or lacks a strong financial track record. This guarantee assures the lender or investor that if the acquired business fails to generate enough revenue to cover the debt, the buyer’s assets can be used to repay the loan.

Lease Agreements

In many business acquisitions, the buyer must assume or sign new lease agreements for the premises where the business operates. Landlords may insist on personal guarantees, especially if they are uncertain about the buyer’s ability to pay rent. The personal guarantee makes the buyer personally liable for lease payments.

Vendor Agreements

Suppliers and vendors may require personal guarantees from the buyer to ensure they will be paid for goods and services provided to the acquired business. This can be particularly common when the vendor extends favorable payment terms or credit to the buyer.

Contracts and Agreements

Various contracts, such as service agreements, licensing agreements, or distribution agreements, may require personal guarantees from the buyer to secure performance and payment obligations. This is especially relevant when the seller is concerned about the buyer’s ability to meet the terms of these contracts.

Franchise Agreements

Buyers acquiring a franchise may be required to provide personal guarantees to the franchisor to demonstrate their commitment to operating the franchise according to the franchisor’s standards and fulfilling financial obligations.

Importance of Personal Guarantees in Acquisitions

Personal guarantees play a crucial role in business acquisition transactions, and sellers or lenders often require them for several reasons. These guarantees benefit both parties and are instrumental in securing financing while assuring lenders and investors. 

Here’s an explanation of their importance:

Risk Mitigation

Business acquisitions inherently involve risks, such as the potential for the acquired company’s financial performance to change after the transaction. Sellers and lenders use personal guarantees to mitigate these risks. By obtaining a personal guarantee, they ensure that the buyer has a strong financial interest in the success of the acquired business. If the business struggles or defaults on obligations, the guarantor’s assets can be used to cover the debt or obligations.

Confidence in Buyer’s Commitment

Personal guarantees demonstrate the buyer’s commitment to the acquisition and the ability to follow through with the transaction. This commitment is essential to sellers concerned about the buyer’s intentions, especially in cases where the buyer is an unfamiliar entity or individual.

Assuring Performance

In addition to financial obligations, personal guarantees can also assure the performance of the buyer in various aspects of the acquisition, such as adhering to the terms of the purchase agreement, maintaining the business’s operations, or fulfilling contractual obligations with customers, suppliers, and employees.

Securing Financing

When a buyer seeks financing for a business acquisition, lenders or investors often require personal guarantees to reduce risk. This is especially true when the acquired business does not have a solid financial history, or the buyer’s financial standing is crucial for approval. Personal guarantees are a vital factor in securing financing, mainly when traditional lenders such as banks are involved. Lenders assess the buyer’s creditworthiness, financial stability, and ability to repay the debt. 

Benefits of Personal Guarantees to Business Sellers

what does a personal guarantee mean

Sellers benefit from personal guarantees as it provides them with an extra layer of security. If the purchased business fails to meet financial obligations or perform as expected, the seller has the right to recourse to the personal assets of the buyer. This can make sellers more receptive to offers from buyers who may not have a proven financial history.

Benefits of Personal Guarantees to Business Buyers

From the buyer’s perspective, offering a personal guarantee can be a useful means to secure financing that may be otherwise difficult to obtain. It enables buyers to make acquisitions without paying the entire purchase price in cash, thereby preserving their capital for other investments. Furthermore, personal guarantees can help buyers negotiate better terms or interest rates on loans, as lenders are more likely to lend when they have recourse to the guarantor’s assets.

Types of Personal Guarantees

Personal guarantees usually take three common forms: limited guarantees, unlimited guarantees, and continuing guarantees. Each type of guarantor varies in liability and trigger circumstances for fulfilling obligations of the entity they guarantee.

Here is a more detailed explanation:

Limited Guarantee

In a limited personal guarantee, the guarantor’s liability is restricted to a specific amount or scope. This means that the guarantor is only responsible for fulfilling the obligations up to a predetermined limit or under certain defined circumstances. The limitation can be based on a fixed monetary amount or a percentage of the total debt.

Limited personal guarantees are often structured to apply in specific situations or for particular obligations. For example, a guarantor may agree to cover a specific portion of any business loans. Still, their responsibility might be limited to that loan and not extend to other debts or obligations of the business.

Limited guarantees protect guarantors by capping their potential financial exposure. This can make it more palatable for individuals or business owners to offer their guarantees in situations where they are not willing to assume unlimited liability.

Limited personal guarantees are commonly used in business transactions, such as financing agreements, lease agreements, or contracts, where the guarantor wishes to provide some level of assurance without exposing their entire personal assets to potential claims.

Unlimited Guarantee

An unlimited personal guarantee, or absolute or unconditional guarantee, means that the guarantor accepts total personal liability for all the obligations of the entity they are guaranteeing. In other words, the guarantor’s assets are at risk for the entire debt or obligation without any predetermined limits or conditions.

Unlimited personal guarantees offer comprehensive coverage, making the guarantor personally responsible for all present and future obligations of the entity, including loans, leases, contractual obligations, and any other liabilities. It is an all-encompassing commitment.

Unlimited guarantees pose a higher level of risk for guarantors, as they expose all their assets to potential claims and liabilities. This type of guarantee is typically used when the lender or counterparty requires absolute assurance that the guarantor will back the entity’s obligations, regardless of the circumstances.

Lenders, landlords, or creditors often demand unlimited guarantees when they are concerned about the creditworthiness or financial stability of the entity they are dealing with. These guarantees provide a strong incentive for the guarantor to ensure that the entity meets its obligations.

Continuing Guarantees

A continuing guarantee remains in force indefinitely or until a specific event triggers its termination. It typically covers future and ongoing obligations incurred by the debtor.

Continuing guarantees are often used when the debtor expects to enter multiple transactions or obligations with the same creditor over time. These guarantees can simplify the process because they eliminate the need to create a new guarantee for each transaction. Continuing guarantees are common in commercial credit arrangements, where a business has an ongoing relationship with a supplier or lender. The guarantee may continue to apply to any future debt incurred by the debtor as long as the guarantee remains in effect.

It’s important to note that the specific terms and conditions of personal guarantees, including the extent of liability, duration, and triggering events, are typically outlined in written agreements. These agreements should be carefully reviewed, and legal advice is often sought to ensure that both parties fully understand their rights and obligations.

Lender Requirements on Personal Guarantees

Lender requirements for personal guarantees can vary depending on the type of lender and the specific loan or financing product being offered. Here’s an overview of the typical lender requirements for personal guarantees:

1. Government Lenders (e.g., Small Business Administration – SBA):

  • Creditworthiness: Government lenders, such as the SBA, often require personal guarantees from business owners seeking loans. They typically assess the creditworthiness of the guarantor(s) by reviewing personal credit scores, financial history, and assets.
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC): If the business seeking a loan is structured as an LLC or corporation, government lenders may require personal guarantees from the business owners (members or shareholders) with a significant ownership stake. This helps ensure that the individuals with a vested interest in the business are personally committed to the loan.
  • Collateral: Personal guarantees may be backed by specific collateral, such as personal real estate or other assets, depending on the lender’s requirements and the loan amount.
  • Limited Liability Waiver: Government lenders also require the business owner(s) to waive certain legal rights related to limited liability to make the personal guarantee enforceable.
  • Business Plan: The lender may require a comprehensive business plan that outlines how the loan will be used and repaid, as well as the business’s financial projections.

2. Traditional Banks:

  • Creditworthiness: Banks typically place a strong emphasis on the personal creditworthiness of the guarantor(s). They may require a minimum credit score and a clean credit history.
  • Financial Statements: Guarantors may need to provide detailed financial statements, including tax returns, bank statements, and information about their assets and liabilities.
  • Net Worth: Banks may assess the guarantor’s net worth to ensure they have sufficient personal assets to cover the guaranteed amount if needed.
  • Collateral: Banks may require collateral to back the personal guarantee depending on the loan amount and risk profile. Collateral could include private real estate, investments, or other valuable assets.
  • Personal Guarantor’s Ownership Stake: Banks may require personal guarantees from individuals with a significant ownership stake in the business.

Factors to Consider Before Signing a Personal Guarantee

personal guarantee definition

Signing a personal guarantee is a significant financial and legal commitment, and it’s crucial to carefully consider several factors before agreeing to it. Here are key factors to evaluate before signing a personal guarantee:

  1. The Business’s Need for Financing: Evaluate why the business needs financing. Is it for essential growth, working capital, or to seize an opportunity? Understanding the purpose of the loan or credit can help you assess whether a personal guarantee is necessary and justifiable.
  2. Availability of Business Collateral: Before signing a Personal Guarantee, consider whether the business has sufficient collateral to secure the loan. Collateral can include business assets, real estate, or equipment. If there are adequate collateral available, Personal Liability should be unnecessary anymore.
  3. Business’s Ability to Repay the Loan: Assess the financial health of the business, including cash flow, revenue, and profitability. Determine if the business can meet its financial obligations without defaulting on the loan, in which case a personal guarantee is unnecessary.
  4. Lender’s Requirements: Carefully review the lender’s requirements and terms for the loan or credit. Understand the lender’s risk assessment criteria, including credit score, financial statements, and business plan. Different lenders may have varying requirements for personal guarantees.
  5. Odds of Qualifications and Approval: Evaluate your qualifications, including your credit score, income, and net worth. Your ability to qualify for the loan without a personal guarantee depends on your financial standing. Consider your approval odds and whether you can secure the financing without a guarantee or a limited guarantee.
  6. Personal Ability to Pay: Examine your financial situation, including your current and potential future income, assets, and liabilities. Assess whether you can comfortably fulfill the terms of the personal guarantee without putting your financial stability at risk.
  7. Business’s Risk Profile: Understand the level of risk associated with the business and industry in which it operates. Highly competitive or volatile industries may carry higher risks, affecting the business’s ability to meet its obligations.
  8. Alternative Financing Options: Explore alternative financing options, such as equity financing, crowdfunding, or grants. These options allow you to secure funding for your business without needing a personal guarantee.
  9. Risk Tolerance: Consider your risk tolerance. Understand the potential consequences of a personal guarantee, including the possibility of personal asset seizure or damage to your credit if the business defaults.
  10. Exit Strategy: Plan for the worst-case scenario. If the business fails to meet its obligations and you are called upon to fulfill the personal guarantee, have a clear exit strategy to protect your assets and financial well-being.

Legal and Financial Implications

Defaulting on a personal guarantee has both legal and financial consequences, which can be significant and lasting. Here’s an explanation of the legal aspects and economic implications of defaulting on a personal guarantee, along with guidance on seeking legal counsel and financial advice in such situations:

Legal Aspects of Defaulting on a Personal Guarantee:

  • Legal Action: When a guarantor defaults on a personal guarantee, the lender or creditor can take legal action to enforce the guarantee. This typically involves a lawsuit against the guarantor to recover the outstanding debt.
  • Judgment: If the lender or creditor prevails in court, they can obtain a judgment against the guarantor, a legal order to pay the debt. This judgment can result in wage garnishment, asset seizure, or liens on personal property, including real estate.
  • Lien on Real Estate: In many cases, a personal guarantee may involve placing a lien on the guarantor’s real estate, making it difficult to sell or refinance the property until the debt is satisfied.
  • Bankruptcy Consideration: In some cases, guarantors may explore bankruptcy to discharge or reorganize their debts. However, not all types of debts, especially those involving personal guarantees, are dischargeable in bankruptcy. Legal advice is crucial in understanding bankruptcy implications.

Financial Consequences of Defaulting on a Personal Guarantee:

  • Asset Seizure: Assets, such as savings, investments, vehicles, and real estate, can be seized or used to satisfy the debt. This can have a significant impact on personal wealth and financial stability.
  • Credit Score Impact: Defaulting on a personal guarantee is reported to credit bureaus and can result in a lower credit score and a negative credit history. This can make it challenging to obtain future credit and may result in higher interest rates when credit is extended.
  • Financial Stress: Fulfilling a personal guarantee may require using personal savings, liquidating investments, or taking on additional debt, causing financial stress and potential long-term financial setbacks.
  • Strained Relationships: Defaulting on a personal guarantee can strain relationships with business partners, family members, or other individuals involved in the transaction.

Alternatives to Personal Guarantees

Alternatives to personal guarantees can be attractive options for individuals who wish to limit their liability or avoid putting their assets at risk. These alternatives can provide additional security for lenders and creditors without a personal guarantee. Here are some common alternatives to personal guarantees:

  1. Collateral or Pledge of Assets: Instead of a personal guarantee, borrowers may offer collateral or assets as security for the loan. This collateral can include real estate, vehicles, equipment, or other valuable property. If the borrower defaults on the loan, the lender can seize and sell the collateral to recover the debt.
  2. Corporate Guarantees: In business transactions, lenders or creditors may accept a corporate guarantee, where the guarantee is provided by the business entity itself rather than an individual. This shifts the liability from an individual to the business, reducing personal exposure.
  3. Third-Party Guarantors: Some lenders may accept guarantees from third-party individuals or entities who are not directly involved in the transaction but are willing to assume responsibility for the debt. This can provide an additional layer of security.
  4. Alternative Financing Structures: Exploring different financing structures, such as revenue-sharing agreements, equity financing, or mezzanine financing, can help borrowers secure funding without personal guarantees. These arrangements may involve sharing profits or giving up ownership stakes in exchange for financing.
  5. Small Business Administration (SBA) Loans: SBA loans are backed by the U.S. Small Business Administration and are often available to small business owners with less stringent personal guarantee requirements. The SBA provides lenders with a partial guarantee, reducing the need for extensive personal guarantees.
  6. Business Credit Lines: Businesses can establish and build their credit profiles, allowing them to qualify for loans and credit lines based on their business’s financial health rather than personal credit. This can reduce the need for personal guarantees.
  7. Vendor Financing and Trade Credit: Businesses can negotiate favorable payment terms with suppliers, allowing them to obtain goods and services on credit without requiring personal guarantees. Trade credit is often based on the business’s payment history and relationship with the vendor.
  8. Peer-to-Peer Lending: Peer-to-peer lending platforms allow borrowers to access loans from individual investors. These lenders may have more flexible requirements and may be willing to fund business ventures without personal guarantees.
  9. Angel Investors and Venture Capital: Angel investors and venture capitalists provide financing in exchange for equity ownership in the business. This can be an alternative to traditional loans and personal guarantees, as investors share in the business’s success.
  10. Crowdfunding and Grants: Crowdfunding platforms and grants offer financing without the need for personal guarantees. These options are often suitable for startups and projects that align with specific funding criteria.


What Is The Difference Between a Guarantor And a Personal Guarantee?

A guarantor is an individual or organization that agrees to take responsibility for the financial obligations of a borrower or a third party in case of default. A personal guarantee is a specific type of guarantee where an individual pledges to be personally accountable for a borrower’s financial liabilities if they cannot pay back the debt. 

How Strong Is a Personal Guarantee?

The strength of a personal guarantee depends on the financial stability and assets of the guarantor. It can be a powerful commitment, as it holds the guarantor personally liable for a debt or obligation, potentially risking assets and creditworthiness if the business defaults. The strength of a personal guarantee varies from one individual to another and is determined by their financial situation and risk tolerance.

How Long Is a Personal Guarantee?

The duration of a personal guarantee varies depending on the terms outlined in the guarantee agreement. It can be for a specific loan or financial obligation and may last until that debt is repaid. In some cases, personal guarantees can be continuous, covering ongoing or future commitments as long as the agreement remains in effect. 

How Do I Protect My Personal Guarantee?

There are several measures you can take to safeguard your personal guarantee. Firstly, negotiate for a limited guarantee by setting a maximum amount or specific obligations. Secondly, stay informed about the financial health of the business and take action immediately if it shows signs of distress. Seek legal advice from an attorney to review and negotiate personal guarantee terms. Consider asset protection strategies, like legal entities, to safeguard personal assets. Explore insurance options to cover potential personal guarantee liabilities. Continuously review and update personal guarantee agreements and diversify personal investments to reduce exposure to a single risk. It’s crucial to consult with professionals and carefully evaluate risks associated with personal guarantees.


Personal guarantees are legal commitments by individuals to take responsibility for a business’s financial obligations. They help manage risk, assure the buyer’s commitment, and facilitate the acquisition process by securing financing. Choosing between different types of guarantees depends on the negotiating positions of the parties involved, the level of risk tolerance, and the specific circumstances of the transaction. 

It’s important to note that specific requirements for personal guarantees can vary significantly from one lender to another. Seeking professional advice and understanding the legal and financial implications is vital to making an informed decision. When exploring alternatives to personal guarantees, it’s essential to carefully assess the terms, conditions, and implications of each option and seek legal and financial advice to ensure that the chosen alternative aligns with your objectives and financial goals.

If you want to learn more about personal guarantees – or any other financial aspect related to business acquisition – consider enrolling in our MBA-level Accelerator+ Program. Our industry experts and focused course content can help you close on a seven figure business in as little as seven months. It gives you a supercharged path to acquisition entrepreneurship with a proven track record of closing deals on profitable businesses. 

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Key Takeaways

  • A personal guarantee is a legal commitment where an individual takes responsibility for repaying a debt if the business entity cannot.
  • Business sellers benefit from personal guarantees as it provides them with an extra layer of security.
  • Personal guarantees enables business buyers to make acquisitions without paying the entire purchase price in cash.
  • Personal guarantees usually take three common forms: limited guarantees, unlimited guarantees, and continuing guarantees.
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